Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sick Feeling

You know when you Get that awful sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Like you know or feel that something is wrong.Yep surely do have that at the moment. I hate when Matt goes out cause I worry so much. I know I admit i'm the biggest worry wart there is (I get it from my mother, Thanks mom) I just hate it so much. Cause when you get this horrible feeling you know something is wrong but you know deep down you can't do anything about it. Cause it's already happening and you honestly don't know what it is that's taking place or going wrong. DANG IT........... I hate it.


  1. hope you feel better! i know exactly how you feel and i hate it!!!

  2. Good to hear from you girl! I hear you are the mother of two now! Crazy but so fun!!
