Saturday, March 20, 2010


Well... I haven't written on here for a bit and well life is kinda hecktic at the moment but as a family we push on day by day minute by minute! I've come to realize that life will always throw you a curve or a turn and you just need to run with it cause it's not going to change unless you make it change and you want it to change. My family is my rock and I'm so thankful that I have them! Each day is a new day and live it to the fullest! It's sad but I honestly only have a couple of really good friends, and I don't think they know how much I love them and appreciate their friendship. It's hard to find those these days especially with all the drama and B.S. there is that goes around in the world. So for me I just stick with Family! They are always going to be here in the end and always love and respect you too. My closest friend lives on the other side of the country right now with her little family and I miss her so much. She has been by my side through thick and thin and we have had our share of REAL rough patches but I know I can always call her and she will make me feel better! It's so weird to think some of the closest friends you had growing up, you have nothing to do with as an adult. I had a pack of 5 super close friends from 3rd grade till 12th grade and I only litterally speak to 1of them now. I guess what I'm saying is you change, your life changes, and your friends change. So keep the ones you don't ever want to loose REAL close cause you never know one day you might not even talk to them. Geez it's like I had a fraeking revelation or something LOL anywho i've been needing to write it down for a bit so I thought hey since i'm up at 12:45 a.m. WHY NOT! haaha well good night y'all talk to you sooner than later!

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