Monday, January 25, 2010


Well now that January is almost over I think i've done pretty good at blogging for the month. I just hope I can keep it up for the rest of the year! We will see...  haha  Well Matt's birthday is on the pro bowl so that should be a fun get together! George is really excited for his birthday this year and keeps talking about it. Probably because we are going to his cousins birthday party tomorrow. He hasn't really gotten the concept of everyone else celebrates birthdays too and you just have to wait your turn for yours to come around. March really isn't that far away though. I can't believe he will be 4 so crazy how time flies by and you don't even realize it till it's done and gone. We finally figured out which pre school he will be going to and I hope he enjoys it come September. Reid is Sassier than ever at the moment and has finally started to show her personality and I have to say she is quiet the little DIVA haha. A mini me for sure. I'm so proud of my kids and can't wait to see what the future has in store for them. Matt is hopefully going to be enrolled in school by April. We are keeping our fingers crossed. He wants to be a Chef. He does love to cook. It will be a great job for him and he will be great at it. After he finishes school hopefully I can go back. I really want to and have wanted to for a long time, but with Matt's back messed up he was told he needed to find something other than construction/ labor work (which he has only done since high school and it's all he really knows) to find something else to do that doesn't put stress or pressure on his lower back. So School was the answer and he is suprisingly really excited about it and i'm excited for him. I don't really know what I want to go back for yet but I guess I have a year or so to think about it. Well that's the spill for now.
Much Love
R.I.P. Priest 
Your were an amazing dog even though you were only here on this earth for a short time. We love you and will miss you!

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