Monday, September 27, 2010

~FALL 2010~

Well Fall so far has consisted of extremely HOT HOT weather.... Weird... anywho.. My Little Monster has started Pre-School which means next year he will no longer be my baby but he will officailly become my BIG BOY as he calls it. He loves loves loves school and they love having him there. I was so worried about him going because we have recently come to the conclusion that he has some form of ADHD. I had asked his Dr. about  it and when we could have him tested they said not until he is atleast 5 and in more of a "Real" school enviroment. Which makes sense but I already know he is hyper and impulsive with things here at home and refuses to let me teach him how to write his name or sing the alphabete with him. Anywho so I asked his pre-school teachers if they would watch him and let me know and they all looked at me funny and they were like really?? He's no more hyper than any of the other kids in his class and sits quietly and does his work listens too. I'm was like wait a minute here are we talking about the same George? They started laughing i'm like no seriously he's a different kid at home they said well maybe him being here and never being in an enviroment like this will help him calm down. So we shall see and hopefully it works and I wont ever have to put him on medications. Keep your fingers crossed. haha on a lighter note Reid is doing well starting to talk more and put sentences together. We just had their pictures taken some for her 2nd Birthday and then some of them together. They are getting so big so fast and I'm trying to be okay with it and take it all in but I'm also kinda sad at the same time, they are my babies and I always want them to be little and cute and tell me that they love me everyday atleast 10 times a day. On to Matthew Alan and I well we made it to 5 years with out killing eachother lol. I Love him so much and me truely is my best friend. So here's to another 5 years and much more after that!!! 

George's First Day of Pre- School

 Slurpee Time
My Reidie Roo and her very fist Real Pony Tail!